Udaan - A turning point

Strengthened by her struggle, Kalyani now realises that she will have to demand not plead, protest and not acquiesce! Her strong determination and perseverance are something to salute to. She single-handedly takes on the fight and makes her voice heard to the highest rungs of the system.

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Udaan - The big decision

Kalyani is shown to have her own vulnerabilities, like any one of us, and that makes the serial more real and heart-touching. When she is thinking within her self-created boundaries, her father inspires her to dream big and fly a higher flight - "ek unchi udaan".

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Krishna ki Chetavani

कृष्ण की चेतावनी (रश्मिरथी)
- रामधारी सिंह दिनकर (Ramdhari Singh Dinkar)

वर्षों तक वन में घूम-घूम, बाधा-विघ्नों को चूम-चूम,
सह धूप-घाम, पानी-पत्थर, पांडव आये कुछ और निखर।
सौभाग्य न सब दिन सोता है,
देखें, आगे क्या होता है।

मैत्री की राह बताने को, सबको सुमार्ग पर लाने को,
दुर्योधन को समझाने को, भीषण विध्वंस बचाने को,
भगवान् हस्तिनापुर आये,
पांडव का संदेशा लाये।

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देश को विद्युत संकट से उबारने का स्वप्रेरित उपाय

देश को विद्युत संकट से उबारने का स्वप्रेरित उपाय

सर्वमान्य/सर्वोच्च पदाधिकारी गण, लोकप्रिय व्यक्ति गण, एवम प्रिय पाठकों

जैसा कि आप सब लोग जानते हैं कि इस समय पूरा देश भारी बिजली संकट के दौर से गुज़र रहा है| नॉर्दन एवं साऊथ विद्युत ग्रिडों में कमी के चलते दिल्ली जैसे महानगर में भी चार घंटे की विद्युत कटौती हो रही है तथा अन्य प्रदेशों में भी बिजली के हालात अच्छे नहीं हैं। सरकार, हालाँकि, अपनी तरफ ...

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Be the light in the darkness

While most people today are aware of eye donation, they don't know the exact procedure to go about it. There is a severe lack of awareness on the procedure. The good news, however, is many organisations and people are working towards generating mass awareness on this issue.

Lets look at some of these great initiatives and resources.

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Holi and its colours

This amazing film features a group of kids playing holi in a hostel. Watching them enjoying the festival, you will be lost in the 'masti of bachpan'. The lyrics and music are very vibrant that match well with the mood of kids. Warden kaka is such a lovely person, he will win your heart when he says affectionately "Ab kaise bataoon tujhe? (How do I tell you?)"

This film was shot for Eye Bank Association of India by Code Red Films.

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Eye Donation FAQs

Want to donate your eyes and looking for some information? Then this is the video for you. All related queries & concerns you ever had are addressed by Eye Surgeon Dr. Jai Kelkar from the National Institute of Ophthalmology.

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The joyful laughter

This short film features a beautiful conversation between a kid and a young man. You will be lost in the joyful laughter of the kid when suddenly his innocent reply will explode you from the inside. It brings out the much needed determination from our hearts - "Yes, when I am done with mine, I'll pass it on so they too can see the beauty of everything."

This film was produced entirely on a pro bono basis for the Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society, the world’s biggest human eyes donor.

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Its that simple

This short animation film tells us to come forward and gift our eyes. Its simple!

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Fond memories of Doordarshan

In 80's and early 90's, Doordarshan was the only source of entertainment and probably that's why, it holds a special place in our hearts. I remember, some very popular short films used to come on Doordarshan that also carried social messages. The quality of these films was so good that they still linger in my brain after so many years.

Here are some of my favourite ones...

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