Bold meaning in Hindi

Bold is a english word.

Bold Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bold = दबंग

    • Usage: Bold settlers on some foreign shore
  • bold = स्पष्ट

    • Usage: Bold handwriting

Bold Meaning in Detail

  • bold (noun) = a typeface with thick heavy lines

    Synonyms: boldface, bold_face, bold

  • bold (adj) = fearless and daring

    Synonyms: bold

    • Usage: bold settlers on some foreign shore
    • Usage: a bold speech
    • Usage: a bold adventure
  • bold (adj) = clear and distinct

    Synonyms: bold

    • Usage: bold handwriting
    • Usage: a figure carved in bold relief
    • Usage: a bold design
  • bold (adj) = very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front

    Synonyms: bluff, bold, sheer

    • Usage: a bluff headland
    • Usage: where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise
    • Usage: a sheer descent of rock
  • Other words to learn

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