Minute meaning in Hindi

Minute is a english word.

Minute Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • minute = मिनट

    • Usage: The minute passed and she could not say anything.
  • minute = मीटिंग का विवरण

    • Usage: The minutes of the meeting are not yet ready.
  • minute = सूक्ष्म

    • Usage: It was a minute particle but hurt the eye badly.

Minute Meaning in Detail

  • minute (noun) = a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour

    Synonyms: minute, min

    • Usage: he ran a 4 minute mile
  • minute (noun) = an indefinitely short time

    Synonyms: moment, mo, minute, second, bit

    • Usage: wait just a moment
    • Usage: in a mo
    • Usage: it only takes a minute
    • Usage: in just a bit
  • minute (noun) = a particular point in time

    Synonyms: moment, minute, second, instant

    • Usage: the moment he arrived the party began
  • minute (noun) = a unit of angular distance equal to a 60th of a degree

    Synonyms: minute, arcminute, minute_of_arc

  • minute (noun) = a short note

    Synonyms: minute

    • Usage: the secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting
  • minute (noun) = distance measured by the time taken to cover it

    Synonyms: hour, minute

    • Usage: we live an hour from the airport
    • Usage: its just 10 minutes away
  • minute (adj) = infinitely or immeasurably small

    Synonyms: infinitesimal, minute

    • Usage: two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm
    • Usage: reduced to a microscopic scale
  • minute (adj) = characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination

    Synonyms: minute, narrow

    • Usage: a minute inspection of the grounds
    • Usage: a narrow scrutiny
    • Usage: an exact and minute report
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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