Reciprocal meaning in Hindi

Reciprocal is a english word.

Reciprocal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • reciprocal = परस्पर का

    • Usage: There should be reciprocal relationship between parents and children

Reciprocal Meaning in Detail

  • reciprocal (noun) = something (a term or expression or concept) that has a reciprocal relation to something else

    Synonyms: reciprocal

    • Usage: risk is the reciprocal of safety
  • reciprocal (noun) = (mathematics) one of a pair of numbers whose product is 1: the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2; the multiplicative inverse of 7 is 1/7

    Synonyms: multiplicative_inverse, reciprocal

  • reciprocal (noun) = hybridization involving a pair of crosses that reverse the sexes associated with each genotype

    Synonyms: reciprocal_cross, reciprocal

  • reciprocal (adj) = concerning each of two or more persons or things; especially given or done in return

    Synonyms: reciprocal, mutual

    • Usage: reciprocal aid
    • Usage: reciprocal trade
    • Usage: mutual respect
    • Usage: reciprocal privileges at other clubs
  • reciprocal (adj) = of or relating to the multiplicative inverse of a quantity or function

    Synonyms: reciprocal

    • Usage: the reciprocal ratio of a:b is b:a
  • Other words to learn

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