Sponsor meaning in Hindi

Sponsor is a english word.

Sponsor Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sponsor = प्रायोजित करनेवाला

  • sponsor = प्रायोजित करना

    • Usage: A company sponsors their new product named fairness.

Sponsor Meaning in Detail

  • sponsor (noun) = someone who supports or champions something

    Synonyms: patron, sponsor, supporter

  • sponsor (noun) = an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.)

    Synonyms: presenter, sponsor

  • sponsor (verb) = assume sponsorship of

    Synonyms: sponsor, patronize, patronise

  • sponsor (verb) = assume responsibility for or leadership of

    Synonyms: sponsor

    • Usage: The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan
  • sponsor (verb) = do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of

    Synonyms: patronize, patronise, shop, shop_at, buy_at, frequent, sponsor

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