Cough meaning in Hindi

Cough is a english word.

Cough Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cough = खाँसी/खोखी

    • Usage: Her son has developed a dry cough.
  • cough = खाँसना/खखारना

    • Usage: The smoker coughs all day.

Cough Meaning in Detail

  • cough (noun) = a sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air passages; a common symptom of upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or pneumonia or tuberculosis

    Synonyms: cough, coughing

  • cough (verb) = exhale abruptly, as when one has a chest cold or congestion

    Synonyms: cough

    • Usage: The smoker coughs all day
  • Other words to learn

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