Sensitize meaning in Hindi

Sensitize is a english word.

Sensitize Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sensitize = सुग्राही बनाना

    • Usage: The teachers sensitize the students to the poets use of language.

Sensitize Meaning in Detail

  • sensitize (verb) = make sensitive or aware

    Synonyms: sensitize, sensitise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise

    • Usage: He was not sensitized to her emotional needs
  • sensitize (verb) = cause to sense; make sensitive

    Synonyms: sensitize, sensitise

    • Usage: She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society
    • Usage: My tongue became sensitized to good wine
  • sensitize (verb) = make sensitive to a drug or allergen

    Synonyms: sensitize, sensitise

    • Usage: Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen
  • sensitize (verb) = make (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographic emulsion

    Synonyms: sensitize, sensitise

    • Usage: sensitize the photographic film
  • Other words to learn

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