Liquidity meaning in Hindi

Liquidity is a english word.

Liquidity Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • liquidity = द्रवता

    • Usage: This company has little liquidity.

Liquidity Meaning in Detail

  • liquidity (noun) = the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility

    Synonyms: liquid, liquidness, liquidity, liquid_state

  • liquidity (noun) = the property of flowing easily

    Synonyms: fluidity, fluidness, liquidity, liquidness, runniness

    • Usage: adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased
    • Usage: they believe that fluidity increases as the water gets warmer
  • liquidity (noun) = being in cash or easily convertible to cash; debt paying ability

    Synonyms: liquidity

  • Other words to learn

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