Semaphore meaning in Hindi
Semaphore is a english word.Semaphore Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
semaphore = संकेत पद्धति
- Usage: The show started by a welcome in semaphore by the children.
semaphore = संकेत स्तम्भ
- Usage: Indian Railways is even today sending signals by the same old semaphores.
semaphore = संकेत से सूचित करना
- Usage: Semaphore to somebody that help is needed.
Semaphore Meaning in Detail
semaphore (noun) = an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms
Synonyms: semaphore
semaphore (verb) = send signals by or as if by semaphore
Synonyms: semaphore
semaphore (verb) = convey by semaphore, of information
Synonyms: semaphore
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