Clump meaning in Hindi

Clump is a english word.

Clump Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • clump = गुच्छा

    • Usage: A small clump of rose plants is there in our garden.
  • clump = धमाके के साथ चलना

    • Usage: The soldiers clumped their feet while marching.
  • clump = धम-धम करने का चलन

    • Usage: The clump of boots can be heard as the soldiers marched.

Clump Meaning in Detail

  • clump (noun) = a grouping of a number of similar things

    Synonyms: bunch, clump, cluster, clustering

    • Usage: a bunch of trees
    • Usage: a cluster of admirers
  • clump (noun) = a compact mass

    Synonyms: ball, clod, glob, lump, clump, chunk

    • Usage: a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder
  • clump (noun) = a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)

    Synonyms: thump, thumping, clump, clunk, thud

  • clump (verb) = make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground

    Synonyms: clop, clump, clunk, plunk

  • clump (verb) = come together as in a cluster or flock

    Synonyms: cluster, constellate, flock, clump

    • Usage: The poets constellate in this town every summer
  • clump (verb) = walk clumsily

    Synonyms: clump, clomp

  • clump (verb) = gather or cause to gather into a cluster

    Synonyms: bunch, bunch_up, bundle, cluster, clump

    • Usage: She bunched her fingers into a fist
  • Other words to learn

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