Reign meaning in Hindi

Reign is a english word.

Reign Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • reign = शासन

  • reign = राज्य शासन

    • Usage: During the reign of Harsha,there was a peace and order.
  • reign = प्रबल होना

    • Usage: Darkness reigns on a cloudy day.
  • reign = मौजूद होना

    • Usage: Silence reigned everywhere.
  • reign = शासन करना

    • Usage: He reigned over the land for four years.

Reign Meaning in Detail

  • reign (noun) = a period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful

    Synonyms: reign

    • Usage: he was helpless under the reign of his egotism
  • reign (noun) = the period during which a monarch is sovereign

    Synonyms: reign

    • Usage: during the reign of Henry VIII
  • reign (noun) = royal authority; the dominion of a monarch

    Synonyms: reign, sovereignty

  • reign (verb) = have sovereign power

    Synonyms: reign

    • Usage: Henry VIII reigned for a long time
  • reign (verb) = be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

    Synonyms: predominate, dominate, rule, reign, prevail

    • Usage: Money reigns supreme here
    • Usage: Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
  • Other words to learn

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