Hacker meaning in Hindi

Hacker is a english word.

Hacker Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hacker = हैकर{कम्प्यूटर पर कार्य करके आनन्द उठाने वाला}

    • Usage: He is a hacker rather than a scientist .
    • Usage: वह सांइटिस्ट कम और कम्प्यूटर पर कार्य करके आनन्द उठाने वाला अधिक है.

Hacker Meaning in Detail

  • hacker (noun) = someone who plays golf poorly

    Synonyms: hacker

  • hacker (noun) = a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism

    Synonyms: hacker, cyber-terrorist, cyberpunk

  • hacker (noun) = a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm

    Synonyms: hacker

    • Usage: true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers
  • hacker (noun) = one who works hard at boring tasks

    Synonyms: hack, drudge, hacker

  • Other words to learn

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