Quarrel meaning in Hindi

Quarrel is a english word.

Quarrel Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quarrel = झगड़ा

    • Usage: The quarrel led to the divorce of Tim and Alice .
  • quarrel = असहमति

    • Usage: Ravi has no quarrel with Meera's approach.
  • quarrel = झगडा करना

    • Usage: 1.The two brothers often quarrel over trivial issues.

Quarrel Meaning in Detail

  • quarrel (noun) = an angry dispute

    Synonyms: quarrel, wrangle, row, words, run-in, dustup

    • Usage: they had a quarrel
    • Usage: they had words
  • quarrel (noun) = an arrow that is shot from a crossbow; has a head with four edges

    Synonyms: quarrel

  • quarrel (verb) = have a disagreement over something

    Synonyms: quarrel, dispute, scrap, argufy, altercate

    • Usage: We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America
    • Usage: These two fellows are always scrapping over something
  • Other words to learn

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