Fondue meaning in Hindi

Fondue is a english word.

Fondue Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fondue = बर्तन{जिसमें चीज़ या तेल पकाया जाता है और उसमें ब्रेड के टुकड़े डुबो डुबो कर खाए जाते हैं}

    • Usage: Beef fondue was prepared yesterday.

Fondue Meaning in Detail

  • fondue (noun) = cubes of meat or seafood cooked in hot oil and then dipped in any of various sauces

    Synonyms: fondue, fondu

  • fondue (noun) = hot cheese or chocolate melted to the consistency of a sauce into which bread or fruits are dipped

    Synonyms: fondue, fondu

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