Probable meaning in Hindi

Probable is a english word.

Probable Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • probable = संभवित

    • Usage: Increasing air-pollution is the most probable explanation to depleting ozone layer.
  • probable = संभाव्य

    • Usage: Probables for the next year's tournament were selected in the camp.

Probable Meaning in Detail

  • probable (noun) = an applicant likely to be chosen

    Synonyms: probable

  • probable (adj) = likely but not certain to be or become true or real

    Synonyms: probable, likely

    • Usage: a likely result
    • Usage: he foresaw a probable loss
  • probable (adj) = apparently destined

    Synonyms: probable

    • Usage: the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme
  • Other words to learn

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