Hate meaning in Hindi
Hate is a english word.Hate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
hate = घृणा करना
- Usage: Gandhi ji hated telling a lie .
- Usage: गाँधीजी झूठ बोलने से बहुत घृणा करते थे.
hate = घृणा
- Usage: Ritesh is full of hate towards Preeti .
- Usage: रीतेश प्रीति के प्रति घृणा से भरा हुआ है .
Hate Meaning in Detail
hate (noun) = the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action
Synonyms: hate, hatred
hate (verb) = dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards
Synonyms: hate, detest
- Usage: I hate Mexican food
- Usage: She detests politicians
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