Panda meaning in Hindi

Panda is a english word.

Panda Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • panda = चीन का भालू

    • Usage: Giant Panda's are usually found in China.

Panda Meaning in Detail

  • panda (noun) = large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae

    Synonyms: giant_panda, panda, panda_bear, coon_bear, Ailuropoda_melanoleuca

  • panda (noun) = reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas

    Synonyms: lesser_panda, red_panda, panda, bear_cat, cat_bear, Ailurus_fulgens

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