Shepherd meaning in Hindi
Shepherd is a english word.Shepherd Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
shepherd = गड़ेरिया
- Usage: The shepherd lost two sheep in the meadows.
shepherd = मार्ग दिखाना
- Usage: A guide shepherded us into the musium.
Shepherd Meaning in Detail
shepherd (noun) = a clergyman who watches over a group of people
Synonyms: shepherd
shepherd (noun) = a herder of sheep (on an open range); someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock
Synonyms: sheepherder, shepherd, sheepman
shepherd (verb) = watch over like a shepherd, as a teacher of her pupils
Synonyms: shepherd
shepherd (verb) = tend as a shepherd, as of sheep or goats
Synonyms: shepherd
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