Haul meaning in Hindi
Haul is a english word.Haul Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
haul = खींच निकालना{बड़ी मात्रा में}
- Usage: With great difficulty we could haul our car out of the ravine .
- Usage: बड़ी परेशानी के साथ हम अपनी गाड़ी को गड्ढे से बाहर धकेल पाये.
haul = पाया हुआ माल
- Usage: The bandits came back with a rich haul
- Usage: डाकू अत्यधिक पाये हुए माल के साथ लौटे।
Haul Meaning in Detail
haul (noun) = the act of drawing or hauling something
Synonyms: draw, haul, haulage
- Usage: the haul up the hill went very slowly
haul (noun) = the quantity that was caught
Synonyms: catch, haul
- Usage: the catch was only 10 fish
haul (verb) = draw slowly or heavily
Synonyms: haul, hale, cart, drag
- Usage: haul stones
- Usage: haul nets
haul (verb) = transport in a vehicle
Synonyms: haul
- Usage: haul stones from the quarry in a truck
- Usage: haul vegetables to the market
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