Whiz meaning in Hindi

Whiz is a english word.

Whiz Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • whiz = सनसनाहट

    • Usage: We heard a whiz in the corridor.
  • whiz = सनसनाना

    • Usage: The bee is whizzing around the flower.

Whiz Meaning in Detail

  • whiz (noun) = someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

    Synonyms: ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz

  • whiz (noun) = a buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air

    Synonyms: whiz

    • Usage: he heard the whiz of bullets near his head
  • whiz (verb) = make a soft swishing sound

    Synonyms: whizz, whiz, whirr, whir, birr, purr

    • Usage: the motor whirred
    • Usage: the car engine purred
  • Other words to learn

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