Harvest meaning in Hindi
Harvest is a english word.Harvest Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
harvest = फसल
- Usage: The harvest has ripened to be cut .
- Usage: फसल काटने के लिए पक चुकी है .
Harvest Meaning in Detail
harvest (noun) = the yield from plants in a single growing season
Synonyms: crop, harvest
harvest (noun) = the consequence of an effort or activity
Synonyms: harvest
- Usage: they gathered a harvest of examples
- Usage: a harvest of love
harvest (noun) = the gathering of a ripened crop
Synonyms: harvest, harvesting, harvest_home
harvest (noun) = the season for gathering crops
Synonyms: harvest, harvest_time
harvest (verb) = gather, as of natural products
Synonyms: reap, harvest, glean
- Usage: harvest the grapes
harvest (verb) = remove from a culture or a living or dead body, as for the purposes of transplantation
Synonyms: harvest
- Usage: The Chinese are said to harvest organs from executed criminals
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