Smack meaning in Hindi

Smack is a english word.

Smack Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • smack = थप्पड़

    • Usage: The fatjer gave the son a smack on his back.
    • Usage: Teacher gave him a tight smack.
  • smack = धमाका

    • Usage: The smack could be heard all around.

Smack Meaning in Detail

  • smack (noun) = a blow from a flat object (as an open hand)

    Synonyms: slap, smack

  • smack (noun) = the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

    Synonyms: relish, flavor, flavour, sapidity, savor, savour, smack, nip, tang

  • smack (noun) = a sailing ship (usually rigged like a sloop or cutter) used in fishing and sailing along the coast

    Synonyms: smack

  • smack (noun) = street names for heroin

    Synonyms: big_H, hell_dust, nose_drops, smack, thunder, skag, scag

  • smack (noun) = an enthusiastic kiss

    Synonyms: smack, smooch

  • smack (noun) = the act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand

    Synonyms: smack, smacking, slap

  • smack (verb) = deliver a hard blow to

    Synonyms: smack, thwack

    • Usage: The teacher smacked the student who had misbehaved
  • smack (verb) = have an element suggestive (of something)

    Synonyms: smack, reek, smell

    • Usage: his speeches smacked of racism
    • Usage: this passage smells of plagiarism
  • smack (verb) = have a distinctive or characteristic taste

    Synonyms: smack, taste

    • Usage: This tastes of nutmeg
  • smack (verb) = kiss lightly

    Synonyms: smack, peck

  • smack (verb) = press (the lips) together and open (the lips) noisily, as in eating

    Synonyms: smack

  • smack (adv) = directly

    Synonyms: bang, slap, slapdash, smack, bolt

    • Usage: he ran bang into the pole
    • Usage: ran slap into her
  • Other words to learn

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