Flak meaning in Hindi

Flak is a english word.

Flak Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flak = समालोचना

    • Usage: He got the flak from his boss for coming late.
  • flak = भयंकर लड़ाई

    • Usage: The soldiers were ambushed staraight into enemy flak.

Flak Meaning in Detail

  • flak (noun) = a slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism to the advantage of their employer

    Synonyms: flak_catcher, flak, flack_catcher, flack

  • flak (noun) = intense adverse criticism

    Synonyms: fire, attack, flak, flack, blast

    • Usage: Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party
    • Usage: the government has come under attack
    • Usage: don't give me any flak
  • flak (noun) = artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes

    Synonyms: antiaircraft, antiaircraft_gun, flak, flack, pom-pom, ack-ack, ack-ack_gun

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