Tripper meaning in Hindi

Tripper is a english word.

Tripper Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tripper = यात्री{छोटी मोटी यात्राएँ करने वाले}

    • Usage: The bay was flocked by trippers.

Tripper Meaning in Detail

  • tripper (noun) = (slang) someone who has taken a psychedelic drug and is undergoing hallucinations

    Synonyms: tripper

  • tripper (noun) = a walker or runner who trips and almost falls

    Synonyms: stumbler, tripper

  • tripper (noun) = a tourist who is visiting sights of interest

    Synonyms: sightseer, excursionist, tripper, rubberneck

  • tripper (noun) = a catch mechanism that acts as a switch

    Synonyms: tripper, trip

    • Usage: the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water
  • Other words to learn

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