Equivocal meaning in Hindi

Equivocal is a english word.

Equivocal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • equivocal = द्वयार्थी

    • Usage: She tried to give an equivocal answer.
  • equivocal = अविश्वसनीय

    • Usage: Mr. Ram Babu is well known in our neighborhood in giving equivocal answers to crucial questions.

Equivocal Meaning in Detail

  • equivocal (adj) = open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead

    Synonyms: equivocal, ambiguous

    • Usage: an equivocal statement
    • Usage: the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates
    • Usage: the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness
    • Usage: popularity is an equivocal crown
    • Usage: an equivocal response to an embarrassing question
  • equivocal (adj) = open to question

    Synonyms: equivocal

    • Usage: aliens of equivocal loyalty
    • Usage: his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son"-Anna Jameson
  • equivocal (adj) = uncertain as a sign or indication

    Synonyms: equivocal

    • Usage: the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal
  • Other words to learn

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