Spout meaning in Hindi

Spout is a english word.

Spout Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • spout = नल

    • Usage: The spout gets blocked with some dust in it.
  • spout = वेग से फूहरा छोड़ना

    • Usage: The gardener spoouts the water to the grass.

Spout Meaning in Detail

  • spout (noun) = an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain

    Synonyms: spout

  • spout (verb) = gush forth in a sudden stream or jet

    Synonyms: spurt, spirt, gush, spout

    • Usage: water gushed forth
  • spout (verb) = talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner

    Synonyms: rant, mouth_off, jabber, spout, rabbit_on, rave

  • Other words to learn

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