Depth meaning in Hindi

Depth is a english word.

Depth Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • depth = गहराई

    • Usage: The depth of the water of sea can't be imagined by man.
    • Usage: He had sunk to the depths of addiction
  • depth = मध्य

    • Usage: In the depth of winter the people living in the higher altitude of Himalayas are cut off from the mainland.

Depth Meaning in Detail

  • depth (noun) = the extent downward or backward or inward

    Synonyms: depth, deepness

    • Usage: the depth of the water
    • Usage: depth of a shelf
    • Usage: depth of a closet
  • depth (noun) = degree of psychological or intellectual profundity

    Synonyms: depth

  • depth (noun) = (usually plural) the deepest and most remote part

    Synonyms: depth

    • Usage: from the depths of darkest Africa
    • Usage: signals received from the depths of space
  • depth (noun) = (usually plural) a low moral state

    Synonyms: depth

    • Usage: he had sunk to the depths of addiction
  • depth (noun) = the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas

    Synonyms: astuteness, profundity, profoundness, depth, deepness

  • depth (noun) = the attribute or quality of being deep, strong, or intense

    Synonyms: depth

    • Usage: the depth of his breathing
    • Usage: the depth of his sighs," "the depth of his emotion
  • Other words to learn

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