Important meaning in Hindi
Important is a english word.Important Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
important = महत्वपूर्ण
- Usage: There are many important works to be done yet.
Important Meaning in Detail
important (adj) = of great significance or value
Synonyms: important, of_import
- Usage: important people
- Usage: the important questions of the day
important (adj) = important in effect or meaning
Synonyms: significant, important
- Usage: a significant change in tax laws
- Usage: a significant change in the Constitution
- Usage: a significant contribution
- Usage: significant details
- Usage: statistically significant
important (adj) = of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
Synonyms: crucial, important
- Usage: a crucial moment in his career
- Usage: a crucial election
- Usage: a crucial issue for women
important (adj) = having authority or ascendancy or influence
Synonyms: authoritative, important
- Usage: an important official
- Usage: the captain's authoritative manner
important (adj) = having or suggesting a consciousness of high position
Synonyms: important
- Usage: recited the decree with an important air
- Usage: took long important strides in the direction of his office
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