Baton meaning in Hindi

Baton is a english word.

Baton Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • baton = छड़ी/डण्डा

    • Usage: It is a woodden baton.

Baton Meaning in Detail

  • baton (noun) = a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir

    Synonyms: baton, wand

  • baton (noun) = a short stout club used primarily by policemen

    Synonyms: truncheon, nightstick, baton, billy, billystick, billy_club

  • baton (noun) = a short staff carried by some officials to symbolize an office or an authority

    Synonyms: baton

  • baton (noun) = a hollow metal rod that is wielded or twirled by a drum major or drum majorette

    Synonyms: baton

  • baton (noun) = a hollow cylinder passed from runner to runner in a relay race

    Synonyms: baton

  • Other words to learn

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