Wicket meaning in Hindi

Wicket is a english word.

Wicket Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • wicket = विकेट

    • Usage: We lost five wickets in the match.

Wicket Meaning in Detail

  • wicket (noun) = cricket equipment consisting of a set of three stumps topped by crosspieces; used in playing cricket

    Synonyms: wicket

  • wicket (noun) = a small arch used as croquet equipment

    Synonyms: wicket, hoop

  • wicket (noun) = small gate or door (especially one that is part of a larger door)

    Synonyms: wicket, wicket_door, wicket_gate

  • wicket (noun) = small opening (like a window in a door) through which business can be transacted

    Synonyms: wicket, lattice, grille

  • Other words to learn

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