Accumulation meaning in Hindi

Accumulation is a english word.

Accumulation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • accumulation = संचयन

    • Usage: Accumulation of money is a good habit.

Accumulation Meaning in Detail

  • accumulation (noun) = an increase by natural growth or addition

    Synonyms: accretion, accumulation

  • accumulation (noun) = several things grouped together or considered as a whole

    Synonyms: collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage

  • accumulation (noun) = the act of accumulating

    Synonyms: accumulation, accrual, accruement

  • accumulation (noun) = (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation

    Synonyms: accumulation

  • Other words to learn

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