Science and Technology Research in India
The purpose of this page is to understand and cover India's Science and Technology research related news/articles. We focus on new age science and technology here. If you are interested in historical contributions, a quick search on web will lead you to lot of websites.
We are in very initial state, so do come back after some time to see more articles/news.
External Links:
Primes in in P : Ground breaking research at IIT Kanpur. - A FAQ , August, 2002. - Article in ScienceNews , Article in Frontline
Institutional distribution in computer science research in India , Annals of Library and Information Studies, 2002, 49(1),23-27.
Science communication in India: perspectives and challenges , Manoj Patairiya, March 2002.
Computer Science Research in India , a report by Prof. Krithi Ramamritham (currently at IIT Bombay), Nov 1995.
India's lopsided science by Dhirendra Sharma, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientistsm, May 1991, Vol. 47, No. 4.
Quality of science and science journals in India , Current Science, Aug 2002.
IITs: Invaluable institutions by P. V. Indiresan, Business Line, Feb 07, 2003.
Important/Useful Organizations