Hindi Fonts

We use unicode encoding for hindi text on this website. Unicode is the de-facto standard for representing different languages on computers, and thus supersedes the older hindi font representations made by different companies.

If your operating system already have support for unicode indic languages, you should not have any problem to see the following text in hindi:

"दोस्तों ये अंतरजाल क्या बला है " (Friends, what's Internet?)

If you are not able to see hindi above, Please follow the Wikipedia's Enabling complex text support for Indic scripts page.

If you want to know more about what's unicode, follow this Link . Also if you want to type in hindi, and are looking for hindi keyboard layout, check out the BhasaIndia's Hindi keyboard layout page .

(Tip: You can search hindi web pages by standard search engines like Google , and Yahoo! - try typing हम in search box)