Welcome meaning in Hindi
Welcome is a english word.Welcome Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
welcome = स्वागत
- Usage: The chief guest gave a welcome address.
- Usage: You are welcome to use my lab.
welcome = स्वागत
- Usage: We were touched by the warmth of their welcome.
welcome = स्वागत करना
- Usage: The Principal welcomed the gathering.
welcome = धन्यवाद सहित लेना [किसी वस्तु को]
- Usage: Gifts are always welcomed by children.
welcome = विशेष रूप से प्रभावित होना
- Usage: The manager welcomed the suggestion warmly. .
Welcome Meaning in Detail
welcome (noun) = the state of being welcome
Synonyms: welcome
- Usage: don't outstay your welcome
welcome (noun) = a greeting or reception
Synonyms: welcome
- Usage: the proposal got a warm welcome
welcome (verb) = accept gladly
Synonyms: welcome
- Usage: I welcome your proposals
welcome (verb) = bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
Synonyms: welcome, receive
welcome (verb) = receive someone, as into one's house
Synonyms: welcome
welcome (adj) = giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted
Synonyms: welcome
- Usage: a welcome relief
- Usage: a welcome guest
- Usage: made the children feel welcome
- Usage: you are welcome to join us
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