Waver meaning in Hindi

Waver is a english word.

Waver Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • waver = लहराना/डगमगाना

    • Usage: He wavers whenever decision is to be taken

Waver Meaning in Detail

  • waver (noun) = someone who communicates by waving

    Synonyms: waver

  • waver (noun) = the act of pausing uncertainly

    Synonyms: hesitation, waver, falter, faltering

    • Usage: there was a hesitation in his speech
  • waver (noun) = the act of moving back and forth

    Synonyms: waver, flutter, flicker

  • waver (verb) = pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

    Synonyms: hesitate, waver, waffle

    • Usage: Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures
  • waver (verb) = be unsure or weak

    Synonyms: falter, waver

    • Usage: Their enthusiasm is faltering
  • waver (verb) = move hesitatingly, as if about to give way

    Synonyms: falter, waver

  • waver (verb) = move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern

    Synonyms: fluctuate, vacillate, waver

    • Usage: the line on the monitor vacillated
  • waver (verb) = move back and forth very rapidly

    Synonyms: flicker, waver, flitter, flutter, quiver

    • Usage: the candle flickered
  • waver (verb) = sway to and fro

    Synonyms: waver, weave

  • waver (verb) = give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency

    Synonyms: quaver, waver

  • Other words to learn

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