Voluminous meaning in Hindi

Voluminous is a english word.

Voluminous Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • voluminous = विपुल{मात्रा में}

    • Usage: It is a voluminous book
    • Usage: The book writing was voluminous task.

Voluminous Meaning in Detail

  • voluminous (adj) = large in volume or bulk

    Synonyms: voluminous

    • Usage: a voluminous skirt
  • voluminous (adj) = marked by repeated turns and bends

    Synonyms: tortuous, twisting, twisty, winding, voluminous

    • Usage: a tortuous road up the mountain
    • Usage: winding roads are full of surprises
    • Usage: had to steer the car down a twisty track
  • voluminous (adj) = large in number or quantity (especially of discourse)

    Synonyms: copious, voluminous

    • Usage: she took copious notes
    • Usage: a subject of voluminous legislation
  • Other words to learn

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