Various meaning in Hindi

Various is a english word.

Various Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • various = भिन्न

    • Usage: Flowers are of various hues and colours.

Various Meaning in Detail

  • various (adj) = of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity

    Synonyms: assorted, various

    • Usage: assorted sizes
    • Usage: his disguises are many and various
    • Usage: various experiments have failed to disprove the theory
    • Usage: cited various reasons for his behavior
  • various (adj) = considered individually

    Synonyms: respective, several, various

    • Usage: the respective club members
    • Usage: specialists in their several fields
    • Usage: the various reports all agreed
  • various (adj) = distinctly dissimilar or unlike

    Synonyms: diverse, various

    • Usage: celebrities as diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan
    • Usage: animals as various as the jaguar and the cavy and the sloth
  • various (adj) = having great diversity or variety

    Synonyms: versatile, various

    • Usage: his various achievements are impressive
    • Usage: his vast and versatile erudition
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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