Unsympathetic meaning in Hindi
Unsympathetic is a english word.Unsympathetic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
unsympathetic = सहानुभूतिरहित
unsympathetic = बेदर्द
- Usage: He shooed away the beggar unsympathetically.
Unsympathetic Meaning in Detail
unsympathetic (adj) = not sympathetic or disposed toward
Synonyms: unsympathetic
- Usage: unsympathetic officialdom
- Usage: people unsympathetic to the revolution
- Usage: his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic
unsympathetic (adj) = (of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings
Synonyms: unsympathetic, unappealing, unlikeable, unlikable
- Usage: all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic
unsympathetic (adj) = not having an open mind
Synonyms: closed, unsympathetic
- Usage: a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas
unsympathetic (adj) = lacking in sympathy and kindness
Synonyms: unkindly, unsympathetic
- Usage: unkindly ancts
unsympathetic (adj) = not agreeing with your tastes or expectations
Synonyms: disagreeable, unsympathetic
- Usage: found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it
- Usage: a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him
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