Unnaturally meaning in Hindi

Unnaturally is a english word.

Unnaturally Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unnaturally = अस्वाभाविक रुप से

    • Usage: The class was unnaturally quiet today.

Unnaturally Meaning in Detail

  • unnaturally (adv) = in an unnatural way

    Synonyms: unnaturally

    • Usage: his other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose
  • unnaturally (adv) = not according to nature; not by natural means

    Synonyms: artificially, unnaturally, by_artificial_means

    • Usage: artificially induced conditions
  • unnaturally (adv) = in a manner at variance with what is natural or normal

    Synonyms: unnaturally

    • Usage: The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people's own blindness
  • Other words to learn

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