Tune meaning in Hindi
Tune is a english word.Tune Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
tune = धुन
- Usage: Play a tune correctly on the flute.
tune = सुर मिलाना
- Usage: The violinist had to tune his instrument with the guitarist.
tune = के अनुकूल बना लेना
- Usage: He had to tune his car according to the sharp slopes.
tune = के अनुकूल होना
- Usage: His answers were finely tuned to what the interviewers wanted.
Tune Meaning in Detail
tune (noun) = a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
Synonyms: tune, melody, air, strain, melodic_line, line, melodic_phrase
- Usage: she was humming an air from Beethoven
tune (noun) = the property of producing accurately a note of a given pitch
Synonyms: tune
- Usage: he cannot sing in tune
- Usage: the clarinet was out of tune
tune (noun) = the adjustment of a radio receiver or other circuit to a required frequency
Synonyms: tune
tune (verb) = adjust for (better) functioning
Synonyms: tune, tune_up
- Usage: tune the engine
tune (verb) = adjust the pitches of (musical instruments)
Synonyms: tune, tune_up
- Usage: My piano needs to be tuned
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