Track record meaning in Hindi

Track record is a english word.

Track record Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • track record = पिछला लेखा-जोखा

    • Usage: She has a good track record of her work.

Track record Meaning in Detail

  • track record (noun) = the fastest time ever recorded for a specific distance at a particular racetrack

    Synonyms: track_record

    • Usage: the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is 2 minutes 24 seconds held by Secretariat since 1973
  • track record (noun) = the sum of recognized accomplishments

    Synonyms: record, track_record

    • Usage: the lawyer has a good record
    • Usage: the track record shows that he will be a good president
  • Other words to learn

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