Town meaning in Hindi

Town is a english word.

Town Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • town = नगर

    • Usage: We went to the town to purchase provisions.
  • town = नगर के लोग

    • Usage: The whole town came to greet him.

Town Meaning in Detail

  • town (noun) = an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city

    Synonyms: town

    • Usage: they drive through town on their way to work
  • town (noun) = the people living in a municipality smaller than a city

    Synonyms: town, townspeople, townsfolk

    • Usage: the whole town cheered the team
  • town (noun) = an administrative division of a county

    Synonyms: township, town

    • Usage: the town is responsible for snow removal
  • town (noun) = United States architect who was noted for his design and construction of truss bridges (1784-1844)

    Synonyms: Town, Ithiel_Town

  • Other words to learn

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