Topical meaning in Hindi

Topical is a english word.

Topical Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • topical = सामयिक

    • Usage: The election compaign did not touch any of the topical issues.
  • topical = स्थानिक

    • Usage: It is a medicine for topical (or local) application.
  • topical = प्रासंगिक

    • Usage: This definitely is a topical reference.

Topical Meaning in Detail

  • topical (adj) = pertaining to the surface of a body part

    Synonyms: topical

    • Usage: a drug for topical (or local) application
    • Usage: a topical anesthesia
  • topical (adj) = of or relating to or arranged by topics

    Synonyms: topical

    • Usage: a detailed record on both a chronological and a topical basis
  • topical (adj) = of interest at the present time

    Synonyms: topical

    • Usage: a topical reference
    • Usage: a topical and timely study of civil liberty
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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