Together meaning in Hindi
Together is a english word.Together Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
together = एक साथ
- Usage: The two of them together went to the market.
- Usage: All his troubles seem to have come together.
together = इकठ्ठा
- Usage: Gather them together.
together = बराबर
- Usage: For hours together he can talk about bird species.
Together Meaning in Detail
together (adj) = mentally and emotionally stable
Synonyms: together
- Usage: she's really together
together (adv) = in contact with each other or in proximity
Synonyms: together
- Usage: the leaves stuck together
together (adv) = assembled in one place
Synonyms: together
- Usage: we were gathered together
together (adv) = in each other's company
Synonyms: together
- Usage: we went to the movies together
- Usage: the family that prays together stays together
together (adv) = at the same time
Synonyms: together
- Usage: we graduated together
together (adv) = with cooperation and interchange
Synonyms: together, unitedly
- Usage: we worked together on the project
together (adv) = with a common plan
Synonyms: in_concert, together
- Usage: act in concert
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