Tick meaning in Hindi
Tick is a english word.Tick Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
tick = किल्ली
tick = घड़ी की टिक टिक
- Usage: He counted the ticks of the clock.
tick = क्षण
- Usage: I'll take just a few ticks to finish this.
tick = किलनी
- Usage: Tick is a parasite on cattle.
tick = खोल
- Usage: She stitched the tickes for these pillows out of an old bedsheet.
tick = घड़ी के समान टिक टिक करना
- Usage: The clock ticked away.
tick = टिक करना[निशान लगाना]
- Usage: He ticked the payments made.
tick = 1
tick = गिलाफ का मोटा कपडा
- Usage: He purchased a tick from the shop.
Tick Meaning in Detail
tick (noun) = a metallic tapping sound
Synonyms: tick, ticking
- Usage: he counted the ticks of the clock
tick (noun) = any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals
Synonyms: tick
tick (noun) = a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.
Synonyms: check_mark, check, tick
- Usage: as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name
tick (noun) = a light mattress
Synonyms: tick
tick (verb) = make a clicking or ticking sound
Synonyms: click, tick
- Usage: The clock ticked away
tick (verb) = make a sound like a clock or a timer
Synonyms: tick, ticktock, ticktack, beat
- Usage: the clocks were ticking
- Usage: the grandfather clock beat midnight
tick (verb) = sew
Synonyms: tick, retick
- Usage: tick a mattress
tick (verb) = put a check mark on or near or next to
Synonyms: check, check_off, mark, mark_off, tick_off, tick
- Usage: Please check each name on the list
- Usage: tick off the items
- Usage: mark off the units
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