Thump meaning in Hindi

Thump is a english word.

Thump Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • thump = धमाका

    • Usage: He drew the attention of the people by a thump on the table.
  • thump = मुक्का

    • Usage: Manoj gave Hari a thump.
  • thump = ठोकना

    • Usage: The minister thumped the table during the assembly proceedings.
  • thump = थपथपाना

    • Usage: She could hear somebody thumping at the door.
  • thump = धड़कना

    • Usage: When she saw the shadow in the dark her heart thumped loudly.

Thump Meaning in Detail

  • thump (noun) = a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)

    Synonyms: thump, thumping, clump, clunk, thud

  • thump (noun) = a heavy blow with the hand

    Synonyms: thump

  • thump (verb) = move rhythmically

    Synonyms: beat, pound, thump

    • Usage: Her heart was beating fast
  • thump (verb) = make a dull sound

    Synonyms: thud, thump

    • Usage: the knocker thudded against the front door
  • thump (verb) = hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument

    Synonyms: thump, pound, poke

    • Usage: the salesman pounded the door knocker
    • Usage: a bible-thumping Southern Baptist
  • Other words to learn

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