Territorial meaning in Hindi

Territorial is a english word.

Territorial Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • territorial = देशीय

    • Usage: Territorial conflicts arise between the two countries.

Territorial Meaning in Detail

  • territorial (noun) = nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit

    Synonyms: territorial

  • territorial (noun) = a territorial military unit

    Synonyms: territorial, territorial_reserve

  • territorial (adj) = of or relating to a territory

    Synonyms: territorial

    • Usage: the territorial government of the Virgin Islands
    • Usage: territorial claims made by a country
  • territorial (adj) = displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders

    Synonyms: territorial

    • Usage: territorial behavior
    • Usage: strongly territorial birds
  • territorial (adj) = belonging to the territory of any state or ruler

    Synonyms: territorial

    • Usage: territorial rights
  • Other words to learn

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