Tenderness meaning in Hindi

Tenderness is a english word.

Tenderness Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tenderness = कोमलता

    • Usage: The tenderness of the flowers are bewitching.

Tenderness Meaning in Detail

  • tenderness (noun) = a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling

    Synonyms: tenderness

  • tenderness (noun) = a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched)

    Synonyms: tenderness, soreness, rawness

    • Usage: the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness
    • Usage: after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on
  • tenderness (noun) = warm compassionate feelings

    Synonyms: tenderness, tenderheartedness

  • tenderness (noun) = a positive feeling of liking

    Synonyms: affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, heart, warmness, warmheartedness, philia

    • Usage: he had trouble expressing the affection he felt
    • Usage: the child won everyone's heart
    • Usage: the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home
  • tenderness (noun) = a feeling of concern for the welfare of someone (especially someone defenseless)

    Synonyms: softheartedness, tenderness

  • Other words to learn

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