Tea meaning in Hindi

Tea is a english word.

Tea Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tea = चाय

    • Usage: Green tea is good for health.
  • tea = हल्का नाश्ता सहित

    • Usage: We will have tea in the evening.

Tea Meaning in Detail

  • tea (noun) = a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water

    Synonyms: tea

    • Usage: iced tea is a cooling drink
  • tea (noun) = a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes

    Synonyms: tea, afternoon_tea, teatime

    • Usage: an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea
  • tea (noun) = a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree extensively cultivated in e.g. China and Japan and India; source of tea leaves

    Synonyms: tea, Camellia_sinensis

    • Usage: tea has fragrant white flowers
  • tea (noun) = a reception or party at which tea is served

    Synonyms: tea

    • Usage: we met at the Dean's tea for newcomers
  • tea (noun) = dried leaves of the tea shrub; used to make tea

    Synonyms: tea, tea_leaf

    • Usage: the store shelves held many different kinds of tea
    • Usage: they threw the tea into Boston harbor
  • Other words to learn

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