Sympathize meaning in Hindi

Sympathize is a english word.

Sympathize Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sympathize = सहानुभूति रखना

    • Usage: I fully sympathize with her, I had a similar experience myself.
  • sympathize = से सहमत होना

    • Usage: He doesn't sympathise with her plans to start a small business.

Sympathize Meaning in Detail

  • sympathize (verb) = share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of

    Synonyms: sympathize, sympathise

  • sympathize (verb) = be understanding of

    Synonyms: sympathize, sympathise, empathize, empathise, understand

    • Usage: You don't need to explain--I understand!
  • sympathize (verb) = to feel or express sympathy or compassion

    Synonyms: commiserate, sympathize, sympathise

  • Other words to learn

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